Virginia employee holding donation tickets

Virginia’s Easter Can Drive

MTM Health’s Virginia Customer Service Center got ready for Easter by giving back. They held a non-perishable food collection for a local pantry in the days before the holiday so that plenty of families could celebrate with a full meal.

In just 15 days, employees brought in 733 cans! On the last day of the collection, a mad rush of generosity occurred, with 290 items donated in one day. General Manager Brian Arnold generously agreed to match the number of items brought it, taking their total to 1,466. However, this number left a few employees unsatisfied yet! Many donated after the deadline in order to send 1,500 cans to the food pantry. 

For each canned or non-perishable food item brought in, employees received a raffle ticket for a chance to win 8 hours of PTO. This is the second time in one year that the team will have donated over 1,000 cans to local food pantries.


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