Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

MTM Health Florida’s 3rd Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

Community allows those diagnosed with breast cancer or any type of cancer an emotional outlet for one of the most stressful endeavors one can experience. Building communities without barriers is at the forefront MTM Health’s vision – in conducting business, as well as in sharing our culture with those outside of our organization. Take a look at our Stuart, Florida employees. When they encountered a Martin County member struggling with the financial and emotional burden of breast cancer, they banded together, walked to raise awareness and funds, and were able to donate to her cause.

On Saturday, October 15, the Florida team held their 3rd annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk. It was a warm, but overcast day and approximately 25 MTM Health participants walked for two and a half miles from the Stuart, FL office across the Roosevelt Bridge and back in hopes of all seeing what they were doing and asking why. After the walk, everyone gathered for refreshments and to socialize. We’re always stronger together.

Over $200 were raised for our Martin County member battling cancer. Our MTM Health Florida team is already brainstorming fundraising ideas for next year’s event, and hoping for an even bigger turnout, in hopes of assisting even more members financially! The power of community gives us a way to take action when cancer makes us feel like it’s ripped the control from us.


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