Network Management Corner
Did you know that MTM does not receive a member profile or medical history from their health plan? We rely on and encourages the caller to inform MTM of any special needs, level of service, or required mode of transportation. This information is relayed to the driver to ensure the additional needs or services are met.
- Special needs can be utilizing any assisted walking devices, wheelchair and even portable oxygen.
- Level of service is simply the level of service the member requires from the driver.
- Curb to Curb-member does not need assistance getting in or out of vehicle; can walk or transfer and self-propel in wheelchair independently; and able to locate doctor’s office without assistance.
- Door to Door-member may need assistance getting in or out of vehicle; may need an arm to lean on; cannot self-transfer or self-propel in wheelchair; and may need assistance to building, however, can locate doctor’s office independently.
- Door thru Door (Hand to Hand)-member needs assistance getting in and out of vehicle; can walk independently; may need an arm to lean on; cannot self-transfer or may not be able to self-propel in wheelchair; and will need assistance to find appointment location at medical facility.
- Two Person Assist-may be ambulatory and requires the assistance of two people; needs assistance in or out of vehicle, cannot transfer or may not be able to self-propel and requires the assistance of two people; requires a two person crew to carry down steps at residence. Transportation provider provides additional person for assistance.
- Mode of transportation refers to the type of vehicle the member may need.
- Bus-public transportation; MTM will supply bus passes to member for appointment.
- Cab-ambulatory vehicle that could include sedan or minivan.
- Para lift-wheelchair accessible vehicle with ramp or electric lift.
- Ambulance/Stretcher-may be need to be transported prone; may or may not require medical attention/monitoring during transport.
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