West Virginia landscape

Welcome from West Virginia’s Program Director

“Greetings! MTM Health is thriving in West Virginia. We take pride in our ability to service the Medicaid population within the state, and continue to make strides working with facilities to alter or develop processes that support the individuals we have in common – our members, and your patients or clients.

Ongoing collaboration between us is of the utmost importance and mutually advantageous, as it enables both MTM Health and facilities to provide the best service to our shared public. This partnership also affords us the opportunity to make sure that health concerns are addressed, and support MTM Health’s mission of removing barriers within the community – specifically, the transportation barrier that so many encounter.

I look forward to additional opportunities to work with facilities whose patients utilize transportation services through MTM Health, so that we all have peace of mind knowing that these individuals are receiving the excellent care and service that we constantly aim to provide.” – Program Director, Tammy Pritt-Jones


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