
CEO Alaina Macia’s Interview with Brazen

President and CEO Alaina Macia recently sat for an interview with staff at Brazen, an organization that helps growth-seeking women entrepreneurs advance their businesses. Alaina supported their audience’s entrepreneurial journey by providing the content entitled “Strategizing for Growth & Innovation,” published on July 3rd. In it, Alaina talks about how she took MTM Health from $40 million to $500 million. She speaks candidly about her personal successes in conducting business, goals she’s working on now, strategies she’s using to get there, and even nerded out a bit: “We are systematically reviewing all of our processes to improve quality for our clients and our riders. I never knew process improvement could be so fun, but we are loving it over here at MTM!”

Read the full interview on Brazen’s site by clicking on this link. “We also closely watch where the industry is heading. Innovation is key – if you aren’t evolving, you are dying.”

“Brazen exists to help growth-seeking women entrepreneurs advance their businesses to create economic prosperity. We offer continuous, immersive programming that fosters connections for women-owned businesses to existing resources – and to each other. Our highly customized, hyper-niche programming is both affordable and accessible for the individual female president, founder or CEO.”


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