MTM Health Colors​


Dark Blue
RGB: 0, 59, 83
CMYK: 99, 72, 45, 36
Pantone: 548

RGB: 2, 79, 110
CMYK: 97, 65, 37, 20
Pantone: 80% screen of 548

RGB: 124, 133, 140
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 60
Pantone: 430

Light Green
RGB: 188, 207, 60
CMYK: 26, 0, 92, 5
Pantone: 390

RGB: 66, 63, 143
CMYK: 85, 85, 0, 10
Pantone: 2735

RGB: 143, 54, 148
CMYK: 51, 94, 0, 0
Pantone: 513

Dark Green
RGB: 1, 94, 72
CMYK: 90, 39, 76, 32
Pantone: 561

RGB: 242, 130, 45
CMYK: 1, 60, 94, 0
Pantone: 1575

Supporting Colors

Pale Purple
RGB: 104, 101, 165
CMYK: 68, 66, 6, 0
Pantone: 99-14 U

Pale Pink
RGB: 186, 130, 189
CMYK: 27, 56, 0, 0
Pantone: 88-5 U

Pale Green
RGB: 207, 221, 117
CMYK: 22, 1, 69, 0
Pantone: 163-14 U

Pale Orange
RGB: 247, 177, 125
CMYK: 1, 35, 54, 0
Pantone: 30-4 U

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