A woman stands in a work office wearing a face covering. MTM Health takes the health and safety of our teammates and visitors seriously. To prevent the spread of COVID-19 and ensure our employees and visitors remain healthy, we have adopted strict COVID-19 protocol at our headquarters.

COVID-19 Protocol and Guidance for Corporate Staff and Visitors

MTM Health takes the health and safety of our teammates and visitors seriously. To prevent the spread of COVID-19 and ensure our employees and visitors remain healthy, we have adopted strict COVID-19 protocol at our headquarters.

When visiting our corporate headquarters, located at 16 Hawk Ridge Drive in Lake St. Louis, Missouri, employees and visitors must abide by the following COVID-19 protocol.

General Guidelines

  • All employees and visitors must enter and exit the building through the main lobby entrance.
  • Anyone exhibiting symptoms and/or presenting with a fever of 100.4 or higher is asked to stay home. All employees and visitors are required to have their temperature taken in the lobby vestibule.
  • All employees and visitors must complete a questionnaire confirming they do not have symptoms of COVID-19. This questionnaire is provided at the front desk.
  • Everyone in the building is required to wear a mask, except when seated at assigned workstations. Masks are required at all times in conference and huddle rooms.
  • Only 55 people will be allowed in the building at one time.

Phase I: Return To Work for Employees

  • Seating is first come/first serve on a daily basis, up to 55 people.
  • Please comply with social distancing requirements.
  • Employees may only utilize a workstation that is equipped with a docking station.
  • Each workstation has a corresponding assigned locker where personal items may be stored for the day.

Additional Safety Precautions

  • Masks, sanitizing wipes, and hand sanitizer are provided at each workstation and in all meeting spaces. Employees and staff are encouraged to bring in their own masks.
  • All workstations and meeting rooms are sanitized and cleaned daily.
  • High point touch areas such as door knobs, faucet handles, etc. are sanitized frequently throughout the day.
  • Hand sanitizing stations are mounted throughout the building.

Thank you for helping us reduce the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the safest possible environment for our co-workers and visitors.

COVID-19 Protocol Updated 9/22/2021.


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