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District of Columbia DHCF Re-Awards NEMT Contract to MTM Health, Marking 14 Years of Collaboration and Partnership

MTM Health's DC leadership team

MTM Health’s DC leadership team: Senior Manager, Call Center Operations Terrance Vaughn; Regional Vice President Kim Clark; Project Director Michelle Moses; and Senior Manager, Transportation Provider Network De’Anthony Johnson.

For 14 years, MTM Health has delivered high quality non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services to Medicaid and Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled (IDD) beneficiaries in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. We’re excited to announce that following a competitive bidding process, the District of Columbia has once again selected MTM Health as its NEMT broker. The new contract holds a term of one year plus four additional option years.

In 2007, MTM Health worked closely with District of Columbia Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) to bring the previously un-brokered NEMT program into compliance. Today, we coordinate more than 900,000 NEMT trips for approximately 35,000 beneficiaries, collaborating with DHCF to improve NEMT services and preserve Medicaid funding. For example, we introduced functional assessment and travel training processes to promote public transit utilization. Additionally, MTM Health, DHCF, and DC Fire & Emergency Medical Services (FEMS) have implemented NEMT innovations through programs like the Right Care, Right Now nurse triage line and My Health GPS. Both of these programs are designed to improve health outcomes, achieve cost savings, and facilitate the transportation of Medicaid beneficiaries with urgent or multiple chronic healthcare conditions to community clinics and urgent care facilities. This collaboration has helped to preserve FEMS resources for patients with life-threatening injuries and illnesses, reduce overcrowding in the ER, and decrease costs of care.

“MTM Health has continually proven to be a partner with a consistent, responsive leadership team and ability to help us facilitate NEMT services to Medicaid beneficiaries,” said DHCF’s Program Analyst Antonio Lacey. “Over the course of the NEMT contract, MTM Health has delivered effective strategies to help improve health outcomes. I look forward to continuing our partnership in the years to come.”

“Since we began operating DHCF’s NEMT program in 2007, MTM Health has been committed to improving NEMT service and ensuring District residents can access healthcare,” added MTM Health’s President and CEO Alaina Maciá. “In the coming contract term, we look forward to delivering innovative self-service technology to beneficiaries, medical facilities, and transportation providers, and working with DHCF to build upon one of the country’s highest quality NEMT programs. With roots that run deep throughout the DC community, we are excited to continue serving the District’s Medicaid beneficiaries for years to come!”

Congratulations to our team on 14 years and counting of excellent service in the DC market!


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