Once again, MTM Health's Vice President of Public Affairs Phil Stalboerger was excited to sit down with the IAMHP podcast Sam Says.

IAMHP Podcast Welcomes Phil Stalboerger

Once again, MTM Health’s Vice President of Public Affairs Phil Stalboerger was excited to sit down with the Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans (IAMHP)’s Sam Says podcast. After talking to host and IAMHP CEO Samantha Olds Frey last fall about how MTM Health helps our Illinois non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) clients meet the state’s Business Enterprise Program (BEP) initiative goals, this time Phil turned the focus to how MTM Health addresses social influencers of health through transportation.

Click here to hear more from Phil about how MTM Health leverages high quality NEMT services to help our clients in Illinois and beyond address social influencers of health.


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