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On-Site Mammographys

Women of MTM Health are over 30% below the national average for women over the age of 40 having mammograms done! So we’re getting back to the preventative care that’s so important to detecting cancer and other health complications. On Wednesday, July 27th, St. Luke’s Mobile Mammography Unit will visit MTM Health’s Lake St. Louis campus.

A mammogram is an x-ray that allows a specialist to examine the breast tissue for any suspicious areas. They can often show a breast lump before it can be felt. Women 40 and older should have mammograms every 1 or 2 years. We’re letting employees take advantage of the opportunity to have this simple exam done at work.

Lake St. Louis’ Health and Wellness Fair is July 21st. During the fair, employees can set up appointments for mammographys the following week, 7/27/2016, and gain greater knowledge on this crucial form of preventative care.



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