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MTM Health Joins ITEN Corporate Innovation Program to Support Tech Start-Ups

In an effort to support our plans for innovation and growth, MTM Health is excited to announce that we have joined ITEN’s Corporate Innovation Program (CIP), which partners established corporations with tech start-ups. MTM Health is one of six St. Louis-area corporations to participate in the CIP, an initiative that fosters relationships between established companies like MTM Health and innovative tech start-ups launching their new ventures.

Acquisition-driven growth is a key part of MTM Health’s future expansion strategy. As we begin transitioning our operating model to become a full-service healthcare logistics solution, MTM Health is seeking to acquire, invest in, and partner with forward-thinking, entrepreneur-driven companies within the healthcare and transit markets.

“As a supporter of innovation, MTM Health is honored to join ITEN’s CIP to help empower and support tech startups in the St. Louis region,” said MTM Health President and CEO Alaina Macia. “Our ultimate goal is to operate as a full-service healthcare logistics solution that can deliver the right care, at the right time, in the right place, whether that means bringing care to a member in their home or delivering a member to a facility for care—and to do so, we’re looking for partnerships in key markets. Our place in the CIP won’t just allow MTM Health to support high-impact tech innovation in the region; it will also allow us to identify potential partners for strategic growth, helping startups grow quickly by collaborating with an industry leader.”

Currently within the MTM Health family of companies, we offer expertise in transportation management, courier, logistics consulting, home healthcare, contact center, and transit management software. Through these competencies and partnerships, there’s significant opportunity to expand beyond NEMT by developing a platform that facilitates coordination of care for members in their homes.

“Within the market, there’s a substantial gap in service coordination for members in their home. Our goal is to efficiently deliver these services for our clients, helping them improve member health outcomes, reduce hospital readmissions, and improve continuity of care,” Maciá said. “With ITEN’s focus on supporting scalable tech start-ups, I’m confident MTM Health will find excellent partners who will mutually benefit from our collaboration as we grow nationwide.”

About ITEN

ITEN provides a foundational system for entrepreneurs to work together towards building strong startups and a vibrant tech ecosystem. ITEN provides unique programs, events, and access to resources that accelerate tech venture success. ITEN’s programs form a venture roadmap from concept through design, prototype, launch, revenue, funding, and rapid scaling. Guidance from serial entrepreneurs, subject matter experts and important community influencers helps entrepreneurs focus on essential critical tasks and avoid wasted efforts. Access to corporations, investors, key service providers and qualified talent means lower barriers to rapid growth. Designed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, requiring neither payment nor equity, ITEN is a unique community asset and a proven route to venture success.


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