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MTM Health to Match Contributions for Women on the Move

LAKE SAINT LOUIS, MO, – Medical Transportation Management, Inc. (MTM) announced today that it will be matching funds donated in support of Women on the Move, a transportation program that assists women in need in Missouri.

The Women on the Move program, a van transportation service provided by Woman 2 Woman in 2010 and 2011, was discontinued in 2012 due to a lack of funding. Kim Spangler, Founder and CEO, reports that clients from the following agencies were transported in addition to W2W clients:  CADV (Citizens Against Domestic Violence), Lake Area Helping Hands, Haven of Hope Maternity Home and Crisis Pregnancy Center. Clients were taken to school, work, job skills classes, interviews, and clinical appointments. Each year of operation saw over 100 new riders due to a lack of transportation in the tri-county lake area.

In support of the program, MTM Health matched an award of $2,000.00 dollar-for-dollar from the Community Foundation of the Lake and will match all additional donated funds from the community up to $10,000.00.

“We built MTM Health to remove transportation barriers for individuals in need, so we understand the challenges these people are facing and we believe we can make a difference. It’s a great cause.” stated Lynn Griswold, co-founder and current board member of MTM

MTM Health will match donations made on or before November 30, 2012. If you would like to contribute to the program, you can make a secure online donation at www.communityfoundationofthelake.org. Simply click on the Woman 2 Woman link and type in “Women on the Move” fund. For more information on Women on the Move you can contact Kim Spangler at 573-302-7700.


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