Happy retirement!

MTM Transit Bids Farewell to Two Longtime Employees

September will be a bittersweet month at MTM Transit as we say farewell to two longtime employees. Penny Fennell, Corporate Operations Support, and Donna Benedict, Allegan General Manager, will both be retiring and are looking forward to spending time with their loved ones. Here’s what they had to say about their time spent at MTM Health, and what they’re planning to do in retirement.
Penny Fennell

Penny Fennell, Corporate Operations Support

“During my four and half years at MTM Transit, I have watched the company grow, from the IT Department to operations. Everyone learned something with each new contract, and I am proud to have been part of the growth and education. I have met many new people and made many new friends. It will be difficult to leave them. My plan is to spend time at home with my puppies. I wish only the best for MTM Transit as you continue to expand!”

Here’s what CEO Alaina Macia and COO Brian Balogh had to say about Penny’s enthusiasm and dedication:

“Penny has implemented numerous MTM Transit contracts, and has trained countless staff on our processes. She has also improved many of our processes and has been critical to our success! We wish her a very happy retirement!” -Alaina Macia

“Penny was responsible for much of what MTM Transit looks like today, and our success. She tirelessly led our new business implementations with expertise, supported and managed a number of special projects, helped create manuals and processes to ensure consistency and compliance, and was truly a flexible and willing leader in the organization. I’ve worked with Penny for many years, and will miss her contagious enthusiasm!” -Brian Balogh
Donna Benedict

Donna Benedict, Allegan General Manager

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with MTM Transit. I have met a lot of great people and grown as an individual. Although we are all spread out across the country, much like family, we are all drawn together in a common goal to make people’s lives simpler and more manageable from a transportation point of view. I have also formed a lot of friendships with customers due to our goal as a company to make every trip important. People depend on us and when we are able to fulfill that need, we are rewarded with sincere appreciation. I will truly miss this part of the job. Retirement should be a casual time in life, but as everyone claims, you can’t figure out when you had time to work. I am expecting a similar situation. My husband and I have eight children and 14 grandchildren. Our oldest son lives in Seattle and youngest teaches English in China and soon to be Russia. Sounds like travel time to me! We are also moving my mother into our home next week as she can no longer live independently. Working right now would be an easier choice, but probably not the right thing to do. Carry on everyone, making MTM Transit a company to respect and admire!”

Alaina and Brian both send their well wishes to Donna as well:

“Donna has run one of our best projects for MTM Transit, and has required very little assistance as she is a wonderful manager. We have been lucky to have her on our team and wish her a very happy retirement!” -Alaina Macia

“Donna exemplified every single one of our core values and is a shining example of responsibility, and accountability. The client in Allegan, the passengers, her employees, our support staff, and all who have had the pleasure of working with Donna will feel a void when she leaves. She will be missed, but I am so happy for her and her future plans!” -Brian Balogh

Congratulations, Penny and Donna! We will miss your enthusiasm and leadership. Best of luck in your retirement!


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