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MTM Health Volunteers Distribute Food and Essentials Alongside the Urban League

Now more than ever, MTM Health is committed to giving back to the communities our staff live in and serve. On Saturday, May 16, our St. Louis-area team members joined forces with the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis to distribute food and essentials to more than 3,000 local families in need. MTM Health staff–including leaders like CEO Alaina Macia and Chief Marketing Officer Michele Lucas–spent the afternoon at the old Jamestown Mall packing boxes of food, toiletries, and protective gear like masks and loading them into vehicles during the drive through distribution.

Every family who drove through the distribution line received a box with canned corn and green beans; cereal; coffee; rice; either oatmeal, grits, or pancake mix; fresh vegetables and fruit like collard greens, celery, onions, sweet potatoes, apples, and oranges; a dozen eggs; milk; orange juice; cheese slices; a four-pack of energy-efficient light bulbs; and a personal protective equipment kit that included gloves and two face masks.

The event was the Urban League’s seventh drive-through food distribution since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the largest yet with more than $200,000 worth of donated food and supplies handed out for free to anyone in need–no questions asked. Since the organization’s first distribution event in early April, more than 17,000 St. Louis-area families have benefited from the drives. In addition to volunteering for the distribution, MTM Health also made a $25,000 monetary donation to support the event.

“So many families in the St. Louis region have been hit hard by the pandemic, making it difficult for them to afford basic essentials,” said MTM Health President and CEO Alaina Macia. “Organizations like the Urban League are truly making a difference in helping our neighbors get through this difficult time. We were honored to play a small part in helping these families access food and other basic necessities!”

About the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis

As the leading champion of empowerment and opportunity for African Americans, the Urban League of Metropolitan ​St. Louis envisions a region where all people are valued members of the community; can adequately support themselves and their families; live in neighborhoods that are vibrant and thriving; and share in the region’s prosperity and well-being. Their mission is to empower African Americans and others throughout the region in securing economic self-reliance, social equality, and civil rights. Learn more about the Urban League and how you can help support future food distribution events.


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