MTM Health Settles West: Nevada’s NET Program
MTM Health, Inc. announced late last year that the Nevada Department of Health and Human Service, Division of Heath Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) had selected MTM Health to provide transportation to Medicaid-eligible recipients in the state. MTM Health’s new Nevada NET program has begun providing a projected 570,000 trips to Medicaid recipients statewide, and received more than 250,000 calls for scheduling purposes. Alongside an engaged client who shares our strong belief in outstanding customer service, Nevada operations have already seen many successes.
To accommodate the new growth, MTM Health constructed and furnished a brand new facility, inclusive of a customer service center. 71 new employees were settled and trained by a go-live date of June 15th. Many engagement and training opportunities showed staff MTM Health’s culture and how to apply it in assisting a brand new member population of Nevada Medicaid recipients.
MTM Health has contracted with a robust statewide network of 28 standard NEMT transportation providers to serve the new beneficiaries of the program. Each has been credentialed and deemed capable of providing the high quality transportation services MTM Health is known for. Local employees completed four Provider Town Hall Meetings throughout the state of Nevada to acquaint the new network with standard MTM procedures. In addition to working closely with network providers, MTM Health’s Education, Training, and Outreach team conducted extensive facility outreach, appearing on-site at over 67 medical facilities to provide an introduction of services and establish personal contacts for future problem solving.
MTM Health looks forward to a bright future removing community barriers in Nevada.
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