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MTM Health’s Quality Team Speaks at Annual CallMiner Listen Conference

Every year, CallMiner hosts an annual voice analytics conference called Listen, which brings together customer engagement analytics professionals to collaborate on customer interactions and intelligence. MTM Health began utilizing the CallMiner platform in 2018, which allows us to use voice analytics to improve customer service quality by monitoring nearly 100% of our call volume.

After working with our Call Evaluation team for the past several months, CallMiner invited MTM Health staff to present and share our success in leveraging CallMiner to reduce compliance risks and improve call quality. Specifically, our Vice President of Program Governance Pam Cook spoke at an executive session, shining light on the steps we took as a company to foster success with CallMiner. Manager of Quality and Compliance Evan Wiley and Team Lead, Quality Evaluations Heather Arlt led another session for analysts, speaking to how MTM Health leverages CallMiner to reduce risks, identify risky calls, and focus on Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) monitoring.

Every year at Listen, CallMiner recognizes the top analysts working with their platform. We are honored to announce that MTM Health’s own Quality Service Evaluator Holly Blackwell was a finalist for this award. Congratulations Holly!

The MTM Health team left the Listen conference with new ideas, new connections in the industry, and excitement to hit the ground running in 2019 by continuing to improve customer service quality for our clients and their members.


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