Star Ratings Master Class 2017

8th Annual Star Ratings Master Class by Healthcare Education Associates

MTM Health is a silver sponsor of this year’s Star Ratings Master Class by Healthcare Education Associates: “Leading-Edge Strategies to Optimize Your Quality Performance.” The event, to be held on December 12-13 at the Fairmont Grand Del Mar Hotel in San Diego, California, is all about boosting your “star rating,” or quality in your own organization. Top-rated health plans and industry innovators are to equip attendees with concrete tools and information that will help them do just that. You can find a place for registration, speaker and agenda information, and a list of anticipated guests at the Healthcare Education Associates conference page here. Make sure to visit our MTM Health representatives that will be available to discuss healthcare solutions for improving member health outcomes, aligning with client goals, reducing overall program costs and increasing customer satisfaction.

Healthcare Education Associates is a resource for the healthcare and pharmaceutical communities to improve their businesses by providing access to timely and focused business information and networking opportunities in topical areas.


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