Growing your Travel Training Program Webinar

SWTA Webinar Recording: Growing Your New Travel Training Program

You’ve started a travel training program—now what? On March 21, MTM Health partnered with the South West Transit Association (SWTA) to host this webinar, which taught participants how to take travel training programs to the next level. Growing and expanding your travel training program to get it off the ground is often the most challenging part of implementing a new program. Our webinar dove into innovative best practices that will help grow your travel training program past the infancy stage, including:

  • Marketing and outreach techniques to get the word out to the community at large about the program
  • Garnering interest in travel training through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) certification process
  • Leveraging existing staff to complete multiple tasks within the travel training program, including marketing, outreach, accessibility audits, and path of travel assessments

If you missed the webinar, great news: a recording is now available! Click here to view the recordingEnter your name and contact information, and you’ll immediately be directed to the recorded webinar.


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