
Virginia Staff Help a Neighbor in Need, Donnie

Our staff in Pulaski, Virginia love their neighbors. One of their favorites is a very sweet man named Donnie. Most days he’d ride his bike to the store next to their office and greet everyone with a smile and a little talk on the weather. When staff didn’t see him for a few days, they started to worry. They asked around town and discovered that his bike had been damaged. As a result, Donnie was injured in an accident.

Our mission of “Communities without barriers” is so much more than a positive-sounding slogan for our website. It’s behind each trip our members take with us and every employee engagement activity we hold. When someone is in obvious need of help, the MTM Health family reaches out. It’s what we do. When Pulaski staff surprised Donnie with his new bike they’d pooled money to pay for, he was ecstatic. Their team tried to claim this as a selfish act, as they’d missed him and wanted to see him more, but we hope you’ll see their generosity! They say that Donnie has an amazingly genuine gratitude for life that’s infectious and addictive. They just had to give him a way to come see them to chat more often; and he promised to do so upon receiving his gift.

We’re grateful to our Virginia staff for making their own community one without barriers!


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