Washington, DC
Recipient Responsibilities

Washington DC
  • When recipients call to schedule transportation to medical appointments, they must provide their Medicaid ID number; pick-up address; telephone number; date of birth; date, time, place, and type of appointment(s); doctor’s name; and facility name, address, and telephone number to verify appointments.
  • Recipients should schedule transportation services for routine medical appointments at least three days in advance. Urgent trips, follow-up appointments, and discharges can be set up with less than three days notice. If the recipient calls for urgent/same day trips, MTM Health is responsible for calling the medical provider to confirm urgency and set the trip according to guidelines.
  • Recipients will be assigned to the type of transportation that is most appropriate to their needs in the following order:
    • Public transit
    • Ambulatory (sedan, van, minibus, etc.); includes wheelchair transfer
    • Wheelchair-lift equipped vehicle
    • Stretcher (for recipients who need to lay in a prone position but are not in need of medical assistance)
  • Recipient may use transportation services for approved Medicaid services only.
  • Recipients should attempt to use the closest appropriate medical facility unless a health care provider has referred the recipient outside of the immediate community.
  • Return trips are only provided from the point of drop-off from which the recipient obtained authorized health care.
  • The transportation provider must pick up the recipient within one hour from the time the recipient calls for the return ride or “will call” trip.
  • Recipients must await pick-up in an area where that is a pre-arranged ‘look-out’ position. This is not necessarily outside, but an area that allows easy and speedy access to the pick-up vehicle. The vehicle will not be required to wait more than 10 minutes.
  • For verification purposes, recipients must sign a “driver’s log” for each trip taken. In lieu of recipient signature, MTM Health will accept the signature of one of the following:
    • Parent or guardian
    • Medical provider
    • Caregiver
  • Transportation is covered for Medicaid recipients who live in the District of Columbia (no out-of-state residents).
  • Transportation is provided to/from medical providers that are located Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties of Maryland. These trips must originate in the District of Columbia.

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