Controlling Paratransit Costs through Eligibility Assessments

Watch Now: Controlling Paratransit Costs through Eligibility Assessments

At this year’s recent South West Transit Association (SWTA) Freedom through Transit Conference, our Senior Director of Functional Assessments and Travel Training Sean Powers lead an engaging discussion on Controlling Paratransit Costs through Eligibility Assessments. In the presentation, Sean and Ron Brooks, Manager of Accessible Transit Services at Valley Metro in Phoenix, Arizona, discussed how eligibility assessments help transit agencies like Valley Metro reduce Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) paratransit costs.

MTM partners with Valley Metro to deploy in-person functional assessments for ADA paratransit eligibility. Click play on the banner image above to watch snippets of the panel, where Sean and Ron talk about the eligibility assessment process, the benefits of in-person assessments vs. paper-based assessments, how we get to the root of passengers’ transportation needs, and the cost savings Valley Metro has achieved with assessments.


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