Webinar: Closing Maternal and Infant Health Gaps with Mobile Integrated Health

More than 2.3 million women of reproductive age in the United States live in maternity care deserts, and nearly three million more reside in areas with limited access to prenatal and postpartum care—affecting over 650,000 births annually. These gaps, compounded by chronic conditions like obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, drive adverse pregnancy outcomes at disproportionately high rates, even as the U.S. spends more per capita on maternal health care than any other nation.

During our recent webinar with Generate Health, our expert panel explored how Mobile Integrated Health solutions are transforming maternal and infant healthcare by delivering essential care directly to patients in their homes and communities.

Missed the live session? You can now watch the full recording—just click play in the heading area of this post!

Our discussion, led by MTM’s Kelly Turpin, Colleen Schlea, and Tracy Kalmár, along with Generate Health’s Kyra Betts, covered key strategies to:

  • Reduce the risk of preterm births and low birth weights
  • Improve prenatal and postpartum care, including mental health, breastfeeding support, and nutrition
  • Advance whole-person care and reduce health disparities for vulnerable populations
  • Close critical HEDIS gaps, such as SNS-E (Social Need Screening and Intervention) and PPC (Prenatal and Postpartum Care)

Want to revisit the insights shared? Click here to view a copy of the presentation slides.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this important conversation! Stay tuned for more discussions on innovative solutions improving maternal and infant health outcomes.


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